Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Pull-up [Chin-up]

The most essential exercise to spinal health.

The Set-up:

You can do this exercise using a cable machine or with your own bodyweight on a pull-up bar.
Grab the handle or bar.
Hand placement does not matter. Use a placement you are most comfortable with.
Get in position which either means pulling yourself in the seat or hanging from the bar.
When in position reach maximum eccentric contraction.
Align your upper body or basically your spine in a slight curve. 
Your spine should form a perfect curve which is dictated by your own anatomy.[even your head and neck]
Breathe in and hold your breath.
Create maximum tension.

The Pull-up:

Your elbows should initiate the pull. 
[Surely your arms could do too but then you are probably better off doing curls which I am certain you wanted to do in the first place]
The handle or bar should touch the sternuum or a place on your frontal upper body where you like to pull to.
Hold shortly at the isometric position.
Breathe out and reset in a controlled manner back to the starting position.
Breathe in and hold your breath.
Create maximum tension.
And repeat as many times as possible without breaking form or break it.
I don't give a shit.


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