When you do the OHP the only thing you do is OHP.
The Setup:
Set the barbell at about shoulder level.
Grab the bar around shoulder width. You should use whatever width feels the most comfortable for you.
If you grab narrower more emphasis will be put on your triceps.
You can put your thumb under or over the bar. Use whatever suits you best.
Grip tight.
Get your arms under the bar and unrack the barbell.
Depending on your flexibility the bar will either rest on your shoulders or not. Do not worry about it.
Walk slightly back so you have free space to press.
Your feet should be parallel or slightly point outward at around shoulder width(again whatever suits you best).
I do not recommend a staggered stance since the lats(back) cannot stabilize as well in this stance.
Take a deep breath.
Squeeze everything tight while looking forward or slightly upward.
The Press:
Press in a line that is as straight as possible.
Hold shortly in the isometric position.
Lower the bar controlled but not slow to its starting position.
Repeat as many times as possible until form is compromised.
If form is compromised on the last rep but you are able to complete the rep then the rep is good but not perfect. It still counts.
Please remember one thing when you press: SPEED
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